Secreto31126 found someone in the Frosty Discord server who managed to get it to work. Unfortunately though, once I got everything set up with Frosty Mod Manager, I uploaded and launched a mod, only to find that it didn't work fix for Battlefront 2 Mods on epic games store. After playing Battlefront II on PS4 for a couple years, I decided to get the game free on the Epic Game Store today, in order to try out some mods that looked fun.

Re: Do mods not work on the epic game version of Star Wars Battlefront 2 Star Wars Battlefront II Epic Games Launcher | How to install Star Wars Battlefront 2 For Free 2021Link. Re: Do mods not work on the epic game version of Star Wars Battlefront 2 ? try to go to the game properties in origin and register there (- datapath D:\game\STAR WARS Battlefront II \ moddata) for the place. The mods come with new weapons, units, sounds, sky patterns, and so forth In Origin, go to the game Propeties, select Advanced Launch Options, and change the Command Line Arguments to:-datapath C:\YOUR\PATH\TO\Origin Games\STAR WARS Battlefront II\ModData (Including the quotation marks, as some people said in the comments) The game will check files, and when finished boot the game via Frosty Courtesy of developers like Spiret, your experience is about to change as you play on new maps and eras. Playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 under the game's original mods soon becomes monotonous soon as you exceed your goals and feel the need for an era and map change. This method has been half patched on the latest origin, follow this tutorial and then follow part 2 simple fix.

How to Set Up Frosty Mod Manager When you open up the toolkit, it asks for a configuration and for you to find the location of the executable file for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Hello guys I hope you enjoyed today's video and if you did please leave a like and consider subscribing!Link to Frosty Download. It will also work with any game that uses the Frostbite engine, so be sure to keep that in mind if you have any other EA games and mods you wish to install. Home How to install Battlefront 2 mods Epic Games